Thursday, May 5, 2011

Visual Symbols Part 2

My thoughts about visuals has changed significantly. I didn't know how many visuals were in my everyday life and how I overlooked them so much. I knew of all the visuals but I did not know that I was seeing them so often. One thing I have started to notice more are people's expressions when they talk. I am able to see what people are feeling by their facial expressions. I was always very shy and never really paid attention to people's faces when they were talking or walking by. I watch people's faces now when talking to them or when we go out somewhere. I went to concert with my family, roommate, and her boyfriend. I loved just watching my roommate's boyfriends face because he has never been to concert and he was amazed. His eyes got really big and he was enjoying himself so much. It was a great experience. Not to mention the whole concert was a visual. The lights and dancing. It was truly amazing.

Picture from:

I also learned that visuals in American can have different meanings to other countries. You have to be careful at what signs you make with your hands or face. People in other countries may take it the wrong way. One action in America may be very disrespectful in another country. It is always good to check out the place you are traveling to see what traditions and customs they have so you are not overstepping boundaries.

Picture from:

Overall, I have had a very enjoyable experience in Visual Literacy this semester. I learned a lot about visuals and what they mean in our daily lives. I also had a lot of fun making projects to save the world and find pictures to describe a word. It was a lot of fun!